Join three problem-solving pigs and help them to save their bacon in a raucous, high-octane family show that will make you howl!
“ The Three Little Pigs is a brilliant family show that had us all squealing!” – Audience Member
“I wanted to reiterate how much I loved the production of The Three Little Pigs. It’s wonderfully creative and a fresh new take on the story. It’s something for you, and the kids who helped you create it, to be very proud of. I’m sure you will get a similar response when you take it on the road next year, too.
After seeing Pinocchio Stuff and Nonsense’s work has really changed my perception of what theatre for young audiences can/should be. I used to think it had to feature a simple narrative, be relentlessly upbeat, and be generally rather silly… but seeing the sophistication of your work disproves that. That’s borne out further by watching the unwavering engagement of the young people in the audience, as was the case yesterday. They were captivated throughout and, surely, that is the best measure of the success of a show for a particular audience.
Congratulations on such a fabulous show.!”
Tim Colgate – Head of Programming – The Lighthouse, Poole